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Shelly Skinner

Professor of Christian Ministries; Chair of Biblical, Religious and Philosophical Studies; Fitness for Ministry Program Coordinator; Spiritual Director




717-796-1800 ext. 7384

  • Ed.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • M.A., Talbot Seminary
  • B.A., Biola University

Dr. Shelly Skinner is a native Southern Californian. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Biola University and Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, CA, and her Ed.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. She also served in a local church as the Minister of Youth in West Covina, CA for over 19 years.  

She teaches in the freshman core program (First Year Seminar and Created & Called for Community). In addition, she coordinates the Fitness for Ministry Program and teaches a variety of courses in Christian Ministries: Organization & Leadership for Ministry, Field Experience, Practicum & Senior Seminar.  

She is a movie fiend, who enjoys spending time with friends and family, long road trips, and reading in a local café and/or coffee shop.