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四色AV Langone Provider

Richard Gallagher, PhD

四色AV Langone Provider
  • Specialties: Child & Adolescent Psychology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Pediatric Neuropsychology
  • Treats: Children
  • Language: English
  • Phone: 646-754-5000
View Scheduling Options

Conditions and Treatments

  • anxiety disorders
  • attention deficit disorder in adults
  • cognitive disorder
  • organizational skills
  • family therapy
  • neuropsychological testing
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children
  • disruptive behavior disorder
  • learning disorder
  • selective mutism

  • Associate Professor,
  • Associate Professor,
  • Director, Organization Skills Program
Education and Training
  • PhD from Temple University, 1981

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This provider accepts the following insurance plans.

  • Aetna
    • AETNA EPO (四色AVLH Employees)
    • AETNA EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
    • Aetna EPO (AMEX employees)
    • Aetna POS (American Express Employer)
  • United Healthcare
    • United Healthcare (NY University Care Plan)
    • United Healthcare Choice (AMEX employees)
    • United Healthcare Choice (Blackrock employees)
    • United Healthcare Choice (CBS employees)
    • United Healthcare Choice (Simon
    • United Healthcare EPO (四色AV Langone Health Employees)
    • United Healthcare EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
    • United Healthcare Indemnity (四色AV Langone Health Employees)
    • United Healthcare 四色AV Care (四色AVLH Employees)
    • United Healthcare 四色AV Care (Sunset Park Employees)
    • United Healthcare Nexus (Amex Employees)
    • United Healthcare Plus (四色AV Langone Health Employees)
    • United Healthcare Plus (Sunset Park Employees)
    • United Healthcare Student Resources (四色AV)
    • United Healthcare Value, Advantage and HDHP (New York University employees)
This list of insurances changes regularly, and insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider. Before your appointment, please confirm with your insurance company that this provider accepts your insurance.

Richard Gallagher, PhD does not accept insurance.

Locations and Appointments

Child Study Center

1 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016

Child Study Center - New Jersey

411 Hackensack Avenue, 7th Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601


neuropsychological characteristics of children with psychiatric conditions, interventions , family education programs , children's mental health, risky behaviors

Research Summary

A study of the neuropsychological characteristics of children with AD/HD and their correlation to their use of skills to organize their time, their actions, and their supplies needed to meet goals in school and at home. A pilot test of an intervention strategy for teaching organizational skills to children with AD/HD to determine its impact on school functioning, home functioning, and general adjustment.

Academic Contact

Academic office

1 Park Avenue

Seventh Floor

New York, NY 10016



These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from PubMed and the MeSH term library. *
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

  • Bremner, J Douglas; Russo, Scott J; Gallagher, Richard; Simon, Naomi M

    Brain, behavior & immunity. 2025 Jan ; 123:928-945

  • Nissley-Tsiopinis, Jenelle; Power, Thomas J; Fleming, Phylicia F; Tremont, Katie L; Poznanski, Bridget; Ryan, Shannon; Cacia, Jaclyn; Egan, Theresa; Montalbano, Cristin; Holdaway, Alex; Patel, Ami; Gallagher, Richard; Abikoff, Howard; Localio, A Russell; Mautone, Jennifer A

    Journal of consulting & clinical psychology. 2024 Oct ; 92(10):674-691

  • Gross, Rachel S; Thaweethai, Tanayott; Kleinman, Lawrence C; Snowden, Jessica N; Rosenzweig, Erika B; Milner, Joshua D; Tantisira, Kelan G; Rhee, Kyung E; Jernigan, Terry L; Kinser, Patricia A; Salisbury, Amy L; Warburton, David; Mohandas, Sindhu; Wood, John C; Newburger, Jane W; Truong, Dongngan T; Flaherman, Valerie J; Metz, Torri D; Karlson, Elizabeth W; Chibnik, Lori B; Pant, Deepti B; Krishnamoorthy, Aparna; Gallagher, Richard; Lamendola-Essel, Michelle F; Hasson, Denise C; Katz, Stuart D; Yin, Shonna; Dreyer, Benard P; Carmilani, Megan; Coombs, K; Fitzgerald, Megan L; G脙录the, Nick; Hornig, Mady; Letts, Rebecca J; Peddie, Aimee K; Taylor, Brittany D; Foulkes, Andrea S; Stockwell, Melissa S; ,; ,; Balaraman, Venkataraman; Bogie, Amanda; Bukulmez, Hulya; Dozor, Allen J; Eckrich, Daniel; Elliott, Amy J; Evans, Danielle N; Farkas, Jonathan S; Faustino, E Vincent S; Fischer, Laura; Gaur, Sunanda; Harahsheh, Ashraf S; Hasan, Uzma N; Hsia, Daniel S; Huerta-Monta脙卤ez, Gredia; Hummel, Kathy D; Kadish, Matt P; Kaelber, David C; Krishnan, Sankaran; Kosut, Jessica S; Larrabee, Jerry; Lim, Peter Paul C; Michelow, Ian C; Oliveira, Carlos R; Raissy, Hengameh; Rosario-Pabon, Zaira; Ross, Judith L; Sato, Alice I; Stevenson, Michelle D; Talavera-Barber, Maria M; Teufel, Ronald J; Weakley, Kathryn E; Zimmerman, Emily; Bind, Marie-Abele C; Chan, James; Guan, Zoe; Morse, Richard E; Reeder, Harrison T; Akshoomoff, Natascha; Aschner, Judy L; Bhattacharjee, Rakesh; Cottrell, Lesley A; Cowan, Kelly; D'Sa, Viren A; Fiks, Alexander G; Gennaro, Maria L; Irby, Katherine; Khare, Manaswitha; Guttierrez, Jeremy Landeo; McCulloh, Russell J; Narang, Shalu; Ness-Cochinwala, Manette; Nolan, Sheila; Palumbo, Paul; Ryu, Julie; Salazar, Juan C; Selvarangan, Rangaraj; Stein, Cheryl R; Werzberger, Alan; Zempsky, William T; Aupperle, Robin; Baker, Fiona C; Banich, Marie T; Barch, Deanna M; Baskin-Sommers, Arielle; Bjork, James M; Bookheimer, Susan Y; Brown, Sandra A; Casey, B J; Chang, Linda; Clark, Duncan B; Dale, Anders M; Dapretto, Mirella; Ernst, Thomas M; Fair, Damien A; Feldstein Ewing, Sarah W; Foxe, John J; Freedman, Edward G; Friedman, Naomi P; Garavan, Hugh; Gee, Dylan G; Gonzalez, Raul; Gray, Kevin M; Heitzeg, Mary M; Herting, Megan M; Jacobus, Joanna; Laird, Angela R; Larson, Christine L; Lisdahl, Krista M; Luciana, Monica; Luna, Beatriz; Madden, Pamela A F; McGlade, Erin C; M脙录ller-Oehring, Eva M; Nagel, Bonnie J; Neale, Michael C; Paulus, Martin P; Potter, Alexandra S; Renshaw, Perry F; Sowell, Elizabeth R; Squeglia, Lindsay M; Tapert, Susan; Uddin, Lucina Q; Wilson, Sylia; Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah A

    JAMA. 2024 Aug 21; 332(14):1174-88

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