

Online forms: Student Club Request Form for Event

Before you begin:

*** We suggest you fill out this form using Firefox rather than Internet Explorer.  Cut/paste this link into Firefox, if possible, for 四色AV results. ***


Submit this form for all club requests that include any of the following:



Off-campus Guest Speaker

Off-campus Vendor

Showing a Film/Movie


  • You will need to fill out all the required fields on this form in order to submit this request.

  • You will need to have reserved the space you request via prior to completing this form. 

  • If information is missing, your request may be delayed or denied and you may need to resubmit the request.

  • Plan Ahead! There is a minimum approval and processing time of 7 days for all requests

  • Questions about this form can be directed to the Student Engagement office at StudentEngagement@messiah.edu.

  • You will receive a receipt of this submission at the end of the process for your records.