

Online forms: Student Parking Appeals Panel

Use this form for your second appeal

If you have received a parking citation from the Department of Safety and your appeal has been denied by the issuing officer, you may now appeal your citation a second time to a panel of students. Here is how it works.

  1. Make sure your citation meets the following criteria, as your appeal will not be heard if it does not.
    • You have first appealed the citation to the Department of Safety and it was denied.
    • It is less than two (2) weeks after the original appeal decision.
    • You appealed less than ten (10) times to the panel.
    • Your offense is not for parking in a handicapped space, parking near a fire hydrant or parking in a fire.
    • Your vehicle must be registered on campus.
    • Your appeal form must be completely filled in.
    • You must show up for your panel hearing.
    • Your $5 is paid after your third appeal to the panel.
    • Your citation was not denied because your appeal was incorrectly filled out.
  2. Fill out the following form in its entirety.
  3. Wait for an e-mail response from the Appeals Panel notifying you of the date and time of your hearing. If you cannot make the time given to you, notification must be made back to the panel immediately, so that it may be rescheduled. Any cancellations must be made with at least 24 hours notice or they will not be rescheduled.
  4. Attend the hearing at the appropriate date and time. Your will be given five (5) minutes to talk with the panel. The panel will then ask any questions they may have. You will then leave the room and the panel will vote using a paper ballot system. The panel's decision will be e-mailed to you and their decision is final.

NOTE: It is your responsibility to read and understand the rules and regulations of the panel before appealing and attending your hearing.

Any questions about the appeal process or the panel itself may be e-mailed to srb@messiah.edu or see page 11 in the Traffic Code.