

Finding and Editing an Existing Page (Homepage or Document)

Most of the time, you will be editing an existing page rather than creating a new one.

Click below to see various ways to first locate that page, and then edit its content.

If you know the name of the page you're looking for, you can simply key in the name in the Search bar on the Jadu home page. Your page, and any other close to that name, will be listed for you to select.


Open|Publishing|Document Pages or Homepages will show you a list of the pages of that type that you have access to. Select the page by clicking the name under Your Homepages or Document Title (for a Document Page) when you locate it.

publishing to homepage


To edit the page content for a Homepage, click on the wrench icon:

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To edit the content for a Document Page, click inside the content area:

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  • The text editor looks different from the actual page.
  • Review the list of widgets before laying out your page, then sketch it out. It will be easier to add widgets after the page is planned out.
  • To create a single space after a line, click Shift+Enter.
  • Copy and paste any text from an outside source into Notepad first to remove hidden HTML, then copy and paste into content editor.
  • Save your page and click 鈥淧review鈥 to see what the page will look like live.

Both document and homepage are the same if they have already been published once.
You must always Submit and Approve the page.

For a Homepage:

The final steps to publish a homepage are to Save, Approve, and Activate the homepage.

If you change the Submit for approval dropdown to Yes before you Save, it eliminates a step.

Click Save and then Approve. As soon as you do this, your page will be live and you will see "View Live" at the bottom of the page.

"View Live" can be used to see the Published homepage.

For a Document:

1. Click the orange button Submit.

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2. Now the Submit button is replaced with Decline and Approve. Click the green button Approve.

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