

Top 5 Resume Builders

Top 5 Resume Builders


Every college student has felt the panic of looking for an internship or job and staring at their subpar resume wondering why it looks like every other template. But you can polish your average resume to better reflect the accomplishments and skills you already have.


Gleaning from professional resume writer Debra Wheatman as well as Forbes, here are five easy-to-implement tips to help you to stand out and showcase your skills, experiences and accomplishments in the 四色AV way possible.


  1. Add a “wow” statement

A wow statement catches the reader’s attention and highlights you over other candidates. To determine your “wow” statement, consider the 四色AV thing you’ve achieved in each of your past positions or some way you been publicly recognized. Once you’ve determined your wow statement, place it under the headline to be sure it grabs attention quickly.


  1. Set up your resume in reverse chronological order format

This provides an easy-to-follow timeline that hiring managers and recruiters can follow. Your employment history demonstrates clearly where you’ve come from and how those experiences have prepared you for this next job.


  1. Customize your resume for a specific role

Recruiters want to know that you can fit into the role they need. The information you include should match job requirements by showing your understanding of the job and how your strengths can relate to it.


  1. Use keywords

Sometimes you may not know what specific job you want, but you have an idea of what field you’d like to work in. If this is the case, your resume should include keywords found in that specific type of job description. This will maximize your chances of being found by a recruiter.


  1. Greater emphasis on skills and qualifications

While recruiters want to know about the jobs and experiences you’ve had in the past, they are most interested in your skills and qualifications for the job to which you have applied. Your resume should still include a section on related experiences that summarize jobs in the past, but you should put more emphasis on your skills and qualifications for the new job.


There’s no need to stare at that Word document in desperation! Applying these five tips will make any resume go from basic to brilliant.


-Kenzie Spodnik ‘23


Photo from: https://depositphotos.com/121828468/stock-illustration-laptop-and-hands-on-the.html