

Contact the Teacher Education Program

  • Director of Teacher Education
    Christina Simmons, Ph.D.
    Christina Simmons, Ph.D.

    As Director, Dr. Simmons leads the Teacher Education Program and serves as Certification Officer and Chair of the Teacher Education Committee.

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  • Field Experience Coordinator
    Julie McGill
    Julie McGill

    Mrs. McGill manages the field experience courses, ensuring that students meet all the requirements for the experience. She also serves as the liaison between the student, field experience supervisor, and the cooperating teacher. She can answer questions about field experience requirements and assist with any questions or concerns that the student, supervisor, or cooperating teacher/mentor may have.

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  • Field Placement, Internship and Certification Coordinator
    Amanda Sigel
    Amanda Sigel

    Mrs. Sigel coordinates placements for the Teacher Education Program, Graduate Education, and Graduate Counseling (school track). In addition to specific placement information, she is the main resource regarding TIMS and PA certification.

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  • Administrative Assistant
    Carol Wickey
    Carol Wickey

    Mrs. Wickey can answer your questions about certification and Basic Skills testing, admission to the Teacher Education Program, and Professional Semester, clearances, and certification in states outside of Pennsylvania. She can also help direct you to the right person in the office to answer your specific questions.

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