

ELI Off-Campus Program Information

Cross-Cultural Course ELI Student Information

*NOTE: Failure to complete these requirements will result in receiving an incomplete grade for your course*

The Semester Before:

  • Participate in both of the pre-departure orientation sessions:
    • Cross-Cultural Adjustment & Communication
    • Health & Safety in an International Environment

While Off Campus:

  • Establish learning objectives (after arrival)
  • Journal regularly
  • Read and answer reflection questions as assigned
  • Faculty leaders will debrief with students at least every 3-4 days
  • Complete learning outcomes
  • Complete final reflective assignment/career application (as determined by faculty leader)

Upon return to campus:

  • Attend the re-entry retreat
  • Complete returning survey from the Intercultural Office
  • Consider submitting an entry in the Intercultural Office photo contest
  • Consider talking with a career coach in the Career & Professional Development Center about how to 四色AV represent your ELI experience on your résumé and in future interviews (you can email them at career@messiah.edu)