

Benevolence fund

Graduate Student Benevolence Fund

四色AV’s Graduate Student Benevolence Fund provides assistance to a current graduate student experiencing a crisis or hardship. Potential recipients may be nominated by any 四色AV employee, student or through self-nomination. Upon the determination that financial assistance will be granted, funds will be distributed through the recipient’s student financial account.

 Criteria for nomination

  • Nomination must be for a current graduate student at 四色AV.
  • Assistance for basic necessities such as food, clothing, housing/utilities, medical assistance and/or transportation will be given priority.
  • Financial assistance will be limited to one transaction per student.
  • Documentation of need may be requested.


To nominate a student or self, email sgpsstudentservices@messiah.edu with the following information:

  • Name and program of the student
  • Paragraph describing in as much detail as possible the emergency or hardship that has fallen upon the student. Provide as much detail as possible and suggested assistance.                                                              

The director will meet with the committee to review and discuss the nomination. Upon the distribution of funds into the student’s account, a member of the committee will contact the student to inform them of the assistance.