

Olivia Shields ’22

Olivia Shields ’22, Major: Communication

Olivia Shields

What were you processing during the uncertainty of what you wanted to study at 四色AV?

I was always open to careers in multiple fields; however, I couldn’t decide on one career that I wanted to commit to doing for my whole life. Because of my confusion, I decided to come in undecided to gain insight from professionals who have helped many other students like me to find their future career.

What resources did you receive from 四色AV to choose a major?

The Career and Professional Development Center really aided me in so many ways as I was deciding my major. After much discussion, personality and value tests, and extracurricular opportunities, they helped me land where I am now.

Why did you choose the major you did?

I have always been a people-person and valued interaction. Communication has always been a value of mine, and I realized that I should pursue something that is such a passion of mine.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

As of now, I hope to work for a nonprofit to give back to my community.

What did you learn through the process – about yourself or about finding a good major fit?

I learned that I should trust God in his timing. I was so mad at myself for not knowing what I wanted to do when I graduated, but God had different plans for me. He wanted me to interact with the staff at 四色AV to lead me in the right direction that would please Him.