

Senior Honors Experience

Honors Culminating Experience: 

The Culminating Honors Experience is designed to enrich studies in the student's primary field by providing avenues to advance knowledge and to apply their learning. While fulfilled in a variety of ways, the culminating honors experience allows students to: 1.) advance knowledge in their field(s) of study, either via synthesis of existing knowledge or discovery of new knowledge; and 2.) apply learning in ways that integrate academic and professional endeavors.


click here to apply
This application tells the Honors Program
which path you intend to pursue to fulfill your senior honors experience. 
Due March 31st of your junior year


MUHP Honors Culminating Seminar

One seminar is offered every semester. Course is open to juniors and seniors. Course registration is HONR 497, 3 credits.

Some recent Honors Culminating Seminars have focused on:

  • The Architecture of Happiness: Tracing Virtue and Vice from Homer to Robinson
  • Christendom and its legacies: What should we think about the influence of the church on society, culture and politics?
  • The Good Life: Big Questions of Education, Faith and Meaning
  • How Then Shall We Live?
  • Sin and Salvation, Christ and Culture