

Program Learning Objectives

Program Learning Objectives

Program Learning Objectives (PLOs) summarize what students will learn as a result of completing the curriculum. Additionally, PLOs provide a framework through which the University evaluates and improves student learning. Students who complete 四色AV’s General Education requirements accomplish the following Program Learning Objectives:

  1. Knowledge of the World: Students will articulate a breadth of knowledge about the physical and human world and corresponding ways of knowing. (ULO 2 Breadth and Depth)
  2. Critical and Creative Thinking: Students will ask meaningful questions and engage in focused inquiry, analysis, and synthesis to produce innovative work. (ULO 1 Foundational skills)
  3. Communication: Students will communicate effectively in oral, written, and visual mediums. (ULO 1 Foundational Skills)
  4. Self-Awareness, Personal and Professional Development, and Vocation: Students will demonstrate self-awareness, discern vocation, and apply their skills and knowledge in professional contexts. (ULO 4 Self-Awareness)
  5. Christian Faith: Students will articulate a sense of Christian vocation and Christian commitments that lead to responsible decisions and actions. (ULO 3 Christian Faith)
  6. Ethics and Civic Responsibility: Students will reason and act ethically, as informed citizens able to engage in civil dialogue and to discern, in community, the common good. (ULO 6 Social responsibility)
  7. Inclusive Excellence: Students will employ knowledge of and appreciation for a broad range of cultures and perspectives to function effectively within culturally diverse settings and employ difference toward innovative solutions. (ULO 6 Social Responsibility)