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Patient Care, Leaders in Medicine
Gabby, a queer trans woman, shares her story of transitioning and educating others.
June 22, 2022
Patient Care, Digital Health
When her left arm swelled up for no reason, Kira knew she needed emergency care.
Patient Stories, Orthopedics
Patient Care
A high tibial osteotomy improved Scott’s knee alignment, so that he could keep doing what he loved.
Surgery and physical therapy addressed her knee injury while restoring stability and confidence.
Patient Care, Complex Cases, In the Media
Physicians at ËÄÉ«AV Langone’s Transplant Institute performed the first successful triple organ transplant.
June 17, 2022
Hand and wrist surgeon Dr. Jacques H. Hacquebord discusses the complexity of hand and finger prosthetics.
June 14, 2022
ËÄÉ«AV Langone doctors rebuilt Michael’s sternoclavicular joint after it was dislocated in a game.
Connie worked with her care team to decide on the right treatment plan for her.
Patient Stories, Perlmutter Cancer Center
Patient Care, In the Media
Exercise physiologist Heather Milton discusses best practices to maximize post-workout recovery as you age.
June 7, 2022
Cutting-edge cancer care should be made available everywhere, says fellow Dr. Kevin Diasti.
June 4, 2022
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