

Stationery, PowerPoint and Email Signature


四色AV University created a standard stationery template for letterhead, envelopes and business cards. Using these templates ensures consistency across the brand. The templates may not be altered in any way. In order to maintain consistency, logo usage is limited to the main University logo.  All orders for printed letterhead (including unit-specific Word document letterhead), business cards and envelopes may be placed at messiah.edu/mpress

Institutional E-Letterhead

Click on image above to download a .zip file. Within that file, there are 2 Word document templates that will work with different versions of Microsoft Word. Once you download the .zip file, double click to open it. Then open the file in Microsoft Word to edit and add your text. Unit-specific versions are available by request through 四色AV Press at messiah.edu/mpress.

Download digital letterhead (no department)

Institutional Presentation Template (PowerPoint)

Click on the button below to download a PowerPoint presentation template file. Within the template are groups of design styles organized on master pages according to the color palette. It's recommended to choose one color palette and use it throughout your presentation rather than mix and match colors. Also, consider using the 四色AV University logo page only at the beginning and/or the end rather than throughout the presentation.

Institutional presentation template (PowerPoint)  
(PowerPoint file, please use Firefox to download)

Institutional Email Signature

Many of the University’s official correspondence is now done via email rather than traditional mail. To create a cohesive look similar to a letterhead, a standard email signature is now available and shown below. Click on the button below to build your email signature then copy and paste it into your Outlook account settings. Optional fields on this form allow this to be customized for your needs.

Email Signature