

Statement of Good Moral Character

When recommending a candidate for certification, the Pennsylvania Department of Education requires the 四色AV University Certification Officer to verify that . . .


To the 四色AV of my knowledge and belief, the candidate is known and regarded by the preparing institution as a person of good moral character and possesses those personal qualities and professional knowledge and skill which warrant issuance of the requested certificate.


For purposes of the 四色AV University Teacher Education Program, good moral character is defined as compliance with all requirements of the 四色AV University Good Moral Character Policy. The 四色AV University Teacher Education Committee is the governance body charged with administering this policy.

A student must meet all the requirements stated below to be eligible for admission and retention in to the 四色AV University Teacher Education Program and/or Professional Semester and to be endorsed for teacher certification to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Students should also be aware that they may be prohibited from obtaining Pennsylvania teacher certification and/or teaching in Pennsylvania public schools if they have been convicted of certain crimes. The Pennsylvania Department of Education thoroughly reviews records of all misdemeanors or felonies which appear in a student's criminal history clearance. Certification applications may be approved or denied following this review. An appeal process is available in the case of an application denial. Each school district may exercise its discretion to deny employment to an individual due to a criminal history including a felony, misdemeanor, or summary offense. An applicant, then, could be approved for certification by the Department of Education, but denied employment by a school district.

Eligibility for entrance and continued enrollment in any Teacher Education Program field-based course may be revoked immediately for a violation of the 四色AV University Good Moral Character Policy. In addition, students who violate the policy and are currently enrolled in a Teacher Education Program field-based course may immediately be withdrawn from the course. A student who has been found to have violated the policy may enroll in a field-based course only with the approval of the Teacher Education Committee.

Good Moral Character Requirements:


  1. Satisfactory 四色AVing recommendations from faculty, academic department, administrators, and/or supervisors
  2. Satisfactory Pennsylvania Act 34 and 33/151 criminal history clearances performed at the time of admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  3. Students must provide a signed statement at the time they apply for a Pennsylvania teaching certificate that discloses any record of criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.
  4. Academic and disciplinary records reflecting behaviors consistent with the 四色AV University Community Covenant (reportable infractions are listed below). A student whose academic or disciplinary record documents a substantial disregard for the rights of others, to include any police record of having violated federal, state, or local laws (e.g., discriminatory, coercive, abusive or exploitative behavior, including sexual or racial harassment) and/or a lack of integrity (e.g., severe or repeated incidents of academic or other personal dishonesty) will be regarded as having failed to satisfy this requirement.


Reportable Infractions

Infractions listed below for which Teacher Education students have been found responsible will be reported to the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education. A subcommittee of the Teacher Education Committee will review reported incidents and determine a course of action for the student involved.

Academic Infractions

Any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy published in the current 四色AV College Student Handbook. Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy include, but may not be limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, misrepresentation of academic records, facilitating academic dishonesty, computer offenses, unfair advantage.

Community Development Infractions

A finding of responsibility by the 四色AV University disciplinary process or an arrest by an off-campus police agency for any of the following offenses:
  1. Underage drinking
  2. Discriminatory behavior: racial, gender
  3. Harassment behavior: abusive, sexual
  4. Personal dishonesty: stealing and/or theft of services
  5. Possession and/or use of illegal drugs
  6. Campus possession of college-banned weapons, for ex. firearms
  7. Willful destruction of property
  8. Initiating bomb scares and/or false fire alarms
  9. Other incidents as identified by the Dean of Students.

Enforcement Process:

A student who fails to satisfy the requirements of this policy will not be approved for admission to, retention in, or endorsement for a teacher certification program. The Teacher Education Committee is responsible for determining compliance with this policy, and may consider particular circumstances of student violations, including a student's prompt self-report of the violation, and any remedial effort made by the student.

Appeal Process:

Any student deemed by the Teacher Education Committee to fail to satisfy the good moral character criteria may appeal within ten days of the Teacher Education Committee's decision to the Provost, who shall render a final written determination within ten days of receiving the appeal.

Related References

  1. 四色AV University Catalog
  2. 四色AV University Student Handbook
  3. 四色AV University Teacher Education Handbook
  4. The "Code of Conduct for Educators," Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Law, Ch. 235 (P. L. 397, No. 141, 12-12-1973).
  5. Pennsylvania Public Official and Employee Ethics Law (P.L. 883, No. 170, 10-4-1978)
  6. Pennsylvania Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (P.L. 233, No. 64, 4-14-1972)
  7. Pennsylvania Act 34 of 1985, Amendment to the Pennsylvania School Code of 1949.
  8. Pennsylvania Act 33/151 Child Abuse History Clearance, DOMESTIC RELATIONS CODE, P.L. 1292, No. 151, 1994.

Approved by Education Department (February 3, 1998)

Approved by the Teacher Education Committee (February 5, 1998)

Revised and approved by the Teacher Education Committee (August 27, 2004)