

3. Holistic Wellness

3.  Holistic Wellness 

The holistic wellness requirement includes one one-credit course in holistic wellness.

  • Requirement: One one-credit holistic wellness course with activity component. 
  • Level: 100
  • Sequence: Recommended for either semester of the first year. 
  • Course Proposal: Courses appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designations are proposed by faculty in departments with disciplinary expertise in wellness, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review. 

Holistic Wellness Course Objectives

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Describe principles to improve physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and digital health and wellness. (Self-Awareness)
  2. Identify the importance of behavior choices in overall health, wellness, and resilience. (Self-Awareness)
  3. Practice exercise and physical activity that improves health (Self-Awareness)