

6. Knowledge of the Bible

6.  Knowledge of the Bible 

Bible requirement includes one common three-credit course in biblical interpretation.

Knowledge of the Bible Course Objectives

  • Requirement: One three-credit Bible 203 Interpreting the Bible course.
  • Level: 200
  • Sequence: Required for second year. 
  • Course Proposal: One course appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designation is proposed by faculty in department with disciplinary expertise in Bible, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review. 

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Describe important aspects of the Bible’s complex formation. (Christian Faith)
  2. Recognize the Bible’s variety of literary genres and discuss principles necessary for their interpretation. (Christian Faith)
  3. Reflect on how the Bible functions as an ancient text with authority for Christian belief and practice. (Christian Faith)
  4. Describe how reading from diverse perspectives impacts the way biblical texts are interpreted. (Inclusive Excellence)
  5. Examine the relationship between the academic study of the Bible and faith. (Christian Faith)